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CMU adds friendly reminder to fall break travel guidelines

Acting smart is one of the keys to CMU’s pandemic response plan and is essential for being on campus and sustaining in-person learning. Not acting stupid while on fall break is also essential. The message being communicated at CMU is from a source of information not normally found on campus.  

“Do not be stupid,” “Do not travel” and “#ProtectTheMavily” are three messages being displayed on electronic roadway signs being loaned to CMU by the City of Grand Junction. The signs are meant to remind students not to travel during the upcoming fall break.   

City of Grand Junction Public Works Director Trent Prall loaned the units to CMU to support the campus-wide effort to limit travel, and as a result, limit the spread of COVID-19 as the fall semester moves into November. 

“Donating the roadway sign is an easy way the City can contribute to helping keep the community safe,” said Grand Junction City Manager Greg Caton. “By keeping students safe, we are by extension also helping keep Grand Junction’s resident safer. The joint effort is a classic win-win.”  

The billboards will be on display around campus from October 7 through October 10 and are meant to help spark conversation about responsibility.  

“Mavericks have been tremendous in taking this pandemic seriously,” said CMU President Tim Foster. “The billboards are just a fun way for us to keep up the momentum that has been sustained by students up to this point.” 

CMU’s COVID-19 data dashboard reflects that case numbers stay manageable on campus and if trends continue CMU will finish the semester with in-person learning and momentum to continue in the spring semester.  


Written by David Ludlam

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